Lorazepam intensol roxane water 24

By | 29.01.2018

lorazepam intensol roxane water 24

Lorazepam intensol roxane water 24 -

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1 thoughts on “Lorazepam intensol roxane water 24

  1. Dinris

    I have been using Lorazepam for 20 years. I am a senior who takes no other medications. Or, should I say, due to an inept cretin of a primary care Dr., I have to take the horrid Sertraline 50mg. Since I was perfectly fine with my Ativan for many years, this inept Dr of mine insisted on weaning me off with Sertraline . I have none of the conditions Sertraline is prescribed for, yet the Dr. and many other doctors freak out over Ativan use. Never mind the myriad adverse side effects anti-depressants like Zoloft or Paxil cause. Lazy uninformed doctors will prescribe these horrendous drugs before Ativan. Ativan has been excellent for me personally. Helps me sleep, mellows me out, NO adverse side effects at all. A great drug. Since Medicare providers hassle you to death with finding a limited supply of primary doctors (usually the dregs of the doctors pool), I have to find a doctor who has an understanding and acceptance of Ativan. That is a difficult, arduous task in itself. But, Medicare providers is a topic for another discussion altogether.

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