1 thoughts on “Lorazepam dosing for seizures

  1. Taushakar

    I've been taking generic Ativan as needed for a little over a year, it's usually effective in calming my anxiety and helping me sleep or relax, it also seems to help with muscle tension and soreness. I recently switched to the sublingual tablets because I found waiting a half hour for it to kick in was often really unpleasant. The downside of that is now I have tiny tiny tiny 1mg tablets, I'd usually break my 1mg tablets in half, but it's hard to do with these ones even with my tiny elf hands, and they're really easy to lose. I'm not sure if they last quite as long as the non-sublingual tablets, but they kick in much faster, usually only a few minutes. I find the side effects vary from day to day, occasional dizziness or unsteadiness, occasional mild hallucinations if I take more than 1mg at once, sometimes a really high sex drive, sometimes a really sad weird nostalgic feeling. It seems to increase the effects of alcohol, which sounds desirable but is almost always accompanied by extreme drowsiness. Also I think it might be making my hair fall out, but theres a lot of factors that could be contributing to that.

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