Purchasing lorazepam 1mg

By | 20.10.2018

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2 thoughts on “Purchasing lorazepam 1mg

  1. Mitilar

    Doesn't work for me. Been taking it for 6 months, 1 mg 2x a day. It makes my head really fuzzy...

  2. Dasar

    I love this drug. I have major anxiety that has interfered with my life and just a few days ago tried to commit suicide due to being on the wrong anti-depressant. Well, coming off of that brought on the shakes and more anxiety, so the Dr. put me on this and it is working well. Finally, a day or 2 where I can actually be calm instead of a nervous wreck. I don't know if I can be on it for very long, but it's nice to have it in my medicine cabinet for when you really need it cuz Prozac alone won't cure all anxiety.

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