1 thoughts on “Lorazepam intensol roxane et louane room

  1. Mazuzilkree

    I, male 28 have had anxiety attacks for years and started on Xanax 8 years ago. My addiction to it led my prescriber to change my med to Klonopin. That drug did nothing for me(maybe my dose was to small, or i didn't take it long enough to get into my bloodstream). The anxiety attacks worsened. I now am on 2mg Ativan twice a day and it does wonders. I've been on Ativan for about 6 months now, and I find it very Effective. As all benzodiazapines are highly addictive, I find myseslf even breaking the Ativan in half at times. If Xanax or Klonopin dont help or you have (m)any addiction problems with certian drugs/medications, ask for Ativan.

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