Veterans honored with free dentistry

By | November 10, 2018


Businesses across the country are offering specials and discounts to veterans, ahead of Veterans Day.

One Billings dental office took this opportunity to show their appreciation to our military by offering completely free dental work. Winterholler Dentistry is honoring veterans in the best way they know, by fixing some teeth.

Whatever kind of dental work was needed, Winterholler had it for our country’s veterans. Dentist William Winterholler filled us in.

“The types of things that veterans really need. Implants to retain a denture, or even single tooth implants. Some of those services that they aren’t able to get at the VA or that take so long to get at the VA, that it just becomes impossible for it to happen. We just wanted to be able to fill the gap there”.

With over 35 volunteers, Winterholler Dentistry was able to serve veterans young and old. Veteran Tony Prolo told me it’s important for veterans of all generations to be able to come together.

“Any attention to active duty, prior service, whatever, I think is a good thing especially for the younger generation coming up”.

Ballistic Barbershop got in on the service and offered free haircuts to veterans as well. The event started at 7am Friday and ran until every veteran who was looking for dental work got it.

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