The Advantages Of Different Types Of Cardiologist In Delhi

By | October 9, 2018

In today’s date, all one wants is to stay happy and lead a healthy life. But with the drastically growing number of heart-related diseases, it has become tougher than ever. In today’s date, all one wants is to stay happy and lead a healthy life. But with the drastically growing number of heart-related diseases, it has become tougher than ever. Today, in India, CVDs( cardiovascular diseases) such as heart attacks and strokes are one of the most common reasons for death. This is not only prevalent among the older people but in fact, it is very unfortunate to note that about 40 percent of people who develop heart attack is under the age of 55.
Now, let us take a look at the major reasons for a premature heart attack.
The most common reason for developing heart-related diseases are tobacco consumption, family history of premature heart diseases and diabetes.
Tobacco consumption, like smoking cigarette or bidi and smokeless tobacco like chewing ghutka, can increase the risk of premature heart attack due to inflammation in the wall of the coronary artery, oxidation of LDL(bad protein), increase in platelet activity. These changes can lead to clot formation and blockage and can thus result in a heart attack.
The most common cause of premature heart disease or genetic disorder is familial hypercholesterolemia(FH).FH is grossly underdiagnosed and undertreated in the community. A non-fasting lipid profile (bad or LDL cholesterol) is useful to diagnose this clinical entity. If in young patients with heart attack FH is diagnosed then it can prevent premature heart disease in their sibling and also children. Since genetically it is an autosomal dominant condition, half of the family members may carry the gene. If they are diagnosed and treated early in life then a lot of premature heart attacks can be prevented in the society. These people might have to take statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) along with lifestyle modifications.
Diabetes is commonly associated with many other risk factors like hypertension and lipid disorder and results in premature heart disease. Diabetes also predisposes the patient for a heart attack due to inflammation of the arterial wall and increased the tendency for clot formation.
Lifestyle management is very useful but the use of statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs), anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic drugs are essential to control risk factors.

These are some of the main reasons for the development of heart-related diseases. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can avoid these diseases and in turn, we can avoid CVDs as well.

By: ponting brown brown

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Submitted On Sep 10, 2018. Viewed 132 times.

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