Tag Archives: Health

Pre-race screening of runners could reduce life-threatening health issues

(Reuters Health) – – As long-distance races like half-marathons and full marathons become more popular, race organizers and medical directors should consider using online medical screening to identify risky runners and avert medical emergencies, researchers say. After a four-year trial of online pre-race screening and education of non-professional runners in South Africa, rates of overall… Read More »

Viewpoints: Voters Showed They Like The Health Law, So Make It Even Stronger; Lessons On Benefits Of Work Requirements For Medicaid

Editorial pages focus on these health care topics and others. Seattle Times: Forget ‘Trumpcare,’ Time To Shore Up Affordable Care Act One of the clear messages of the midterm elections was the enthusiasm Americans have for the Affordable Care Act. Now that more people have better access to individual health insurance, they want to keep… Read More »

9 Vintage Health Ads That Will Take You Back to the 1960s

Some of these are truly cringe-worthy. “Be Really Refreshed” Reader’s Digest Publication The popular soda manufacturer promises an energy lift in this March 1960 magazine ad: “Only Coca-Cola gives you the cheerful lift that’s bright and lively.” We now know that soda’s sugar buzz is quickly followed by an energy crash. “Milk: Nature’s Nightcap” Reader’s… Read More »