@simon_j_morton on Instagram
British model and Instagram influencer Eliza Rose Watson is here to break stereotypes. A strong believer of age is no bar, she believes that the modelling industry is now changing and there is no limit to where you can reach.
Women Fitness President joins the stunning beauty Eliza Rose Watson on her journey to stardom.
Namita Nayyar:
You are an extremely talented model. Walk us through your spectacular journey and tell us how it all began?
Eliza Rose Watson:
Well thank you, it is more the photographers I work with really! But going back to the question – I’d had modelling experience when I was younger, then drifted away from it to pursue a different career. I’d always kept up a fitness regime, but by chance I visited a new gym and bumped into a fitness photographer. I thought at that time I was ‘past it’ in terms of modelling – I was in my late 20s, and I suppose I had that narrow minded belief that only those younger than me could start a modelling career. But I went for it anyway, thinking ‘what have I got to lose?’ and did my first fitness shoot at 28 years old. I am very glad that the industry proved my belief wrong. I feel I am a better model now at nearly 31, than I could have been when I was younger, as I am more comfortable in myself, and more body positive than I was before.

@simon_j_morton on Instagram
Namita Nayyar:
Your Instagram bio says “gym rat”. In these tough times, how are you managing to do your gym workouts?
Eliza Rose Watson:
I guess the Instagram bio says it all – I have always been into fitness, so it comes naturally to me to try and maintain this in tough times. I see fitness as medicine for my mind more than anything, and with all this uncertainty, fitness is my only constant. So this is all the motivation I’ve needed to maintain a regime.
It has taken some improvisation though! When it comes to resistance exercise, I like to train heavy in the gym, so it has been a learning curve to swap my low rep, heavy weight workouts to routines using lighter weights like those I have at home, for more reps. I also find it very difficult to train in the same place as I relax, eat and sleep (my home) and so I have taken to dragging my kit outdoors, and see this as a bit of a warmup. I’m now getting used to it and I find training in the fresh air outside really beneficial – so much so I will miss it when our gyms finally reopen!
Full interview is continued on next page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
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