It goes without saying that just as much as masturbation is an extremely pleasurable experience, it can turn out to be painful too if you use random substitutes. Now, we understand that staying at home can make you horny… very horny, but does that mean you take anything a try and insert it down there? NOPE. Although the kitchen has a lot of items, foods and fruits that can be used to satiate your ‘sexual cravings’, there are certain objects that are needed to be banned from being called your ‘masturbation essentials’. So what are these items? Let’s take a look at some of them. Show Some Self Love! 6 Health Reasons to Masturbate.
For the love of God! Don’t resort to toothpaste when you’re horny. Toothpaste is considered as a substitute for lube but actually, it is not. Toothpaste contains chemicals and ingredients that can react wrongly with your private parts and cause an infection too. As an alternative to lube, you can, however, use oil or petroleum jelly.
A Knife Handle
Now you’re just entering even a riskier territory! A knife handle is not meant for insertion although it makes look like it. things can go awry and you might just accidentally cut yourself down there. So please, be very careful and do not use a knife for masturbating.
A Toy
A toy that isn’t a sex toy should be off the list too. Baby’s toys or a dog’s toys are made of plastic and might have all sorts of germs and bacteria on it. Don’t take the risk of inserting something like that in your genitals. Besides, would you be comfortable if your kid or pet would play with the same toy you masturbated with?
Another misconception is that soap can be used as a lubricant too. A lot of people prefer using water as a lube when they don’t have anything else in handy. While water is just fine, there are people who go one step ahead and try using soap water down there. Now get this straight – Having soap or soap water or the foam inside your private parts can cause burning and irritation hereby leading to an infection. So, stay away from soap too.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 21, 2020 09:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).
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