Kettering to use Red Cross tools to boost workforce resuscitation skills

By | November 29, 2019

Kettering Health Network will adopt a suite of software and other technologies to support resuscitation skills training and certification for its workforce.

“Ensuring that patients receive the best possible care remains a prime objective, and we believe that starts with our caring and skilled workforce,” says Andy Parker, human resources manager of network education at Ohio-based Kettering.

“For our workforce, then, we chose the best resuscitation education program available: the American Red Cross Resuscitation Suite and Brayden Pro manikins, which will be supported on HealthStream’s workforce development platform,” Parker adds. The organization has about 14,000 employees.

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The manikins used for training have software that collects data and creates a picture summary and numeric score of each CPR parameter measured against a theoretical perfect score to highlight improvement needs of the trainees.

Real-time feedback helps students perform compressions at the correct depth, rate and recoil, and to do so consistently throughout CPR.

Additional guidance for performing resuscitation on children and other smaller persons is offered by the Neonatal Resuscitation Program developed by the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics to teach an evidence-based approach to newborn care and facilitate effective team-based care for healthcare professionals who care for newborns at the time of delivery.

The program uses a blended learning approach that includes online testing, online case-based simulations, and hands-on case-based simulation/debriefing that focuses on critical leadership, communication and team-work skills.

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