Corona Havoc: COVID-19 patients has crossed 12.6M in Six Months

By | July 27, 2020

Coronavirus has wreaked havoc after affecting more than five million people over the world. More than 12.4 M million coronavirus cases have been reported worldwide. According to WorldMeter data, the number of corona positive has reached 12,675,441, and 563,928 people have died due to the epidemic. Corona havoc is not only causing death, but it also becomes the major cause behind the unemployment and poverty of people around the world.

Within the last 12 days, the coronavirus patients have risen from 11 Million to 12.3 Million. Many countries, particularly countries such as Italy and Spain that were most affected in early April, have crossed the peak of corona havoc and are slowly opening up. But officials have warned that corona may retaliate.

Corona Havoc

Coronavirus cases across the world have become equal to the population of New Zealand or somewhat has exceeded the count. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed concern about the increasing number of new coronavirus cases in developing countries. The WHO said that 30,308 new coronavirus infection cases had been reported in the past 24 hours, the highest number of cases recorded in a single day since the corona havoc began.

Data on mortality and recovery rates on the Worldometer suggest that perhaps the deadliest phase of the current stage of corona has passed globally. The coronavirus death rate worldwide is 14 percent. The recovery rate of this corona is 86 percent. This recovery rate is a piece of relief news for the whole world.

Brazil, Russia, and India are emerging as new hotspots of the coronavirus. Even in America, there is a decrease in corona cases. So far, 136,735 deaths have been caused by the coronavirus in America, which is the highest for any country. Please note that on December 31, the first case of corona was reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified. In this way, the corona havoc has infected about 12.4 million people in just six months.

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