Can belly fat be used for breast reconstruction

By | July 10, 2020

can belly fat be used for breast reconstruction

DIEP flap? TRAM flap? SIEA flap? With so many breast reconstruction options available these days it’s difficult to understand what these terms really mean and what the differences are between all these “tummy flap” procedures. It is important for women considering these reconstructive options to realize that not all tummy tissue options are created equal. Many women are now rejecting breast implants preferring to use their own abdominal tissue for reconstruction after mastectomy. A breast that has been reconstructed with the patient’s own tissue typically looks and feels more natural than an implant reconstruction, will last longer without the long-term complications that can be associated with implants, and will also age like a natural breast. The TRAM flap is a very common breast reconstruction technique that requires the sacrifice of at least a portion of the rectus abdominus sit-up muscle. There are 3 different types of TRAM flap “pedicle”, “free”, and “muscle-sparing free” : the exact type is defined by the amount of abdominal muscle removed.

Your plastic surgeon will describe your surgical options and may show you photos of women who have had different types of breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction. DIEP flap, you’re done. If you smoke, you may be asked to quit for four to six weeks before your surgery. Coronavirus and cancer.

Its job is to move the arm into your side and backwards. During breast reconstruction that uses natural tissue, the breast is reshaped using muscle, skin, or fat from another part of your body. Keep your expectations realistic about your surgery. Stephanie Desmon ; sdesmon1 jhmi. The year-old Los Angeles Metro conductor was at the hospital for a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Your scar will be hidden later by most clothing and bathing suits.