Author Archives: Health

48,000-year-old Neanderthal tooth unearthed in Italy

The discovery of a baby tooth belonging to an adolescent Neanderthal in northern Italy’s Veneto region is shedding light on the doomed hominid’s final days. By analyzing the tooth’s genome, fossilization and radiometric age — measured by the decay of radioactive isotopes in organic matter — scientists were able to determine that the “milk tooth”… Read More »

Dash diet meal plan 1800 calories

Pin FB ellipsis More. Dash included lots of high-potassium foods, such as 1800, sweet potatoes and white beans, and seasoned dishes with just a little bit of salt-a combination plan works together to keep blood pressure balanced. Daily Totals: 1, calories, 64 g protein, g carbohydrate, 48 g fiber, 73 g meal, 1, mg sodium.… Read More »

Most Americans probably won’t be able to get a Covid-19 vaccine until mid-2021, CDC director says

“Those who are vaccine hesitant have had their hesitancy enhanced by a variety of things that are happening right now, particularly the unfortunate mix of science and politics,” Collins said at an event hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. A recent poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than… Read More »