9 Essential Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Cleaning Service

By | September 26, 2018

So considering the repo deductions and keeping track of each person’s allowance for chores plus extra work, this may seem like a lot to keep track of.

You’re right!

I had the philosophy in place, but it became an organizational and logistical challenge trying to juggle all these factors:

It took me a long time to develop a system to keep track of it all that made all those pieces fit together in an easy way that I can remember to do.

When calculating allowance for kids it is important to be fair and accurate. I myself need to know how much to add or subtract from their base amount, remembering deductions for buying back confiscated toys, and additions for extra chores. I calculate how much they get monthly/weekly and I write it on the front of the envelope.

I also have a big sticky note on the envelope to record an extra amount, like for a special job. I have another envelope for the wad of ones, which we have to withdraw monthly. Simple, but it really works for our family.

Finally, money only works as an incentive if they have the chance to spend it. At least a part of their money should be spent on something of their choosing, so that they begin to see the value of money.

Staying organized with allowance for kids can be a struggle, but give this system a try! Kid’s chores and kids allowance fit together perfectly, and you implement this system consistently, it’s a great motivator for your child.

At times like these, I try to remember the simple secret to a spotless house despite the children:

  • live-in housekeeping staff, and…

    Sometimes, though, it’s a one-time deal, and I make an offer to the nearest kid, asking if they’d be willing to do such and such job for such and such pay. Remember that offering an extra job for extra money is voluntary! They can say no and it is back to being your problem.

  • deducting money for “buying back” confiscated items
  • calculating extra money earned for extra chores
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…literally kept me from success for years. It took me a long time to develop a system to keep track of it all that made all those pieces fit together in an easy way that I can remember to do.

I myself need to know how much to add or subtract from their base amount, remembering deductions for buying back confiscated toys, and additions for extra chores. It’s a lot to keep track of!

My solution is simple.

Each person has an allowance envelope with their name on it. I have another envelope for the wad of ones, which we have to withdraw monthly. Learn from my mistakes: if you have no money to give them when it’s supposed to be Pay Day, the system starts to fall apart!

After they have put away any confiscated items from the “tidy up basket,” I give them their allowance envelope, they take it and put it wherever kids keep money, and they return my envelope for next week. Staying organized with allowance for kids can be a struggle, but give this system a try! Kid’s chores and kids allowance fit together perfectly, and you implement this system consistently, it’s a great motivator for your child.

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