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Lorazepam onset peak duration hydromorphone injection

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IM: IV: SC: Neonates mg/kg q 4–8 hr, maximum dose: mg/kg. at the time of the peak if previous dose is ineffective and side effects are minimal. High Alert: Do not confuse morphine with hydromorphone–errors have resulted in death. leucovorin calcium; lidocaine; linezolid; lorazepam; magnesium sulfate. Or, mg/kg (maximum total dose is 2 mg) I.V. 15 to 20 minutes before surgery; in adults Anxiolytic and sedative actions: Lorazepam depresses the CNS at the limbic and subcortical levels of the brain. Route, Onset, Peak, medicalcases.eug: hydromorphone. Hydromorphone, also known as dihydromorphinone, and sold under the brand name Dilaudid, More common side effects include lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, itching These can start within hours of taking the last dose of hydromorphone and can It can also be administered via epidural or intrathecal injection.