Tag Archives: healthful

9 healthful substitutes for butter

Butter is a dairy product that people can make from churned milk or cream. However, for people who cannot or choose not to consume butter, there are many alternatives. The process of churning milk or cream separates the milk fat from the liquid. The remaining fat becomes the butter. However, some people choose to avoid… Read More »

11 healthful alternatives to wheat bread

There are various reasons why a person may wish to avoid or eat less wheat bread. Fortunately, there are many healthful wheat-free alternatives to choose from. People who may wish to avoid wheat-based bread include: Those with celiac disease, an autoimmune condition causing digestive symptoms in reaction to eating foods containing gluten, such as wheat-based… Read More »

What makes whole grains so healthful?

Lately, it has become common knowledge that eating foods that contain whole grains is good for our health. However, we are only now unraveling exactly why this is the case. Why are whole grains so healthful? Drink enough water, get enough sleep, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat whole grains; the importance of these… Read More »