Tag Archives: calories

Calories Burned From Skiing Calculator

How many calories does skiing burn? How many calories burned skiing depends on the level of effort you’re exerting, your body weight and the terrain you’re skiing on. Downhill skiing will burn approximately 300 to 600 calories per hour, although it depends on your body weight. A downhill skier weighing 155 pounds can burn 446… Read More »

Dash diet meal plan 1800 calories

Pin FB ellipsis More. Dash included lots of high-potassium foods, such as 1800, sweet potatoes and white beans, and seasoned dishes with just a little bit of salt-a combination plan works together to keep blood pressure balanced. Daily Totals: 1, calories, 64 g protein, g carbohydrate, 48 g fiber, 73 g meal, 1, mg sodium.… Read More »

How Many Calories Do You Burn During Sex?

You’ve probably wondered how many calories you burn during sex, and some people claim it can burn 100 to 300 calories per session But other research indicates that the answer largely depends on various factors, such as your weight and how vigorous your lovemaking session is You’re in bed with your partner and you just… Read More »